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A True Home (Heartwood Hotel, 1)

A True Home (Heartwood Hotel, 1)

Regular price $14.70 USD
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What a lovely introduction to "A True Home"! This delightful book invites you into the warm embrace of Heartwood Hotel, where Mona the mouse and her new forest friends promise heartwarming adventures. Here, you're sure to find yourself rooting for the plucky Mona, whose quest for safety leads her to discover a sanctuary for animals of all shapes and sizes. With Mr. Heartwood's steady guidance and Tilly’s comforting presence, the inn quickly becomes a community where everyone is welcome.

Inside this cozy inn, you'll meet an ensemble of endearing characters, each with their quirks and stories that add a special charm. The gruff badger chef keeps bellies full, while guests like the dapper squirrels bring their whimsical flair. The staff shows unwavering hospitality through it all, embodying the Heartwood Hotel spirit where there's always room for one more. Whether through Tilly’s comforting tea or Mona’s imaginative solutions, this group shows that helping others is always in style.

A story brimming with camaraderie, laughter, and lessons, "A True Home" gently explores the power of community and resilience. Each page has tender moments highlighting how kindness and courage can light the darkest corners. It's a cozy nook where readers reflect on their friendships and adventures.

Key Features:
- Warm Storyline: Celebrate belonging, bravery, and kindness in a tale that’s sure to warm your heart.
- Enchanting Setting: The detailed woodland world of the Heartwood Hotel feels like a place you’d love to stay.
- Relatable Characters: Get to know the quirky guests and compassionate staff that make the hotel feel like a home.

Find a comfy chair, snuggle in with this book, and let Heartwood Hotel sweep you into its loving embrace. You'll want to keep returning for more adventures with Mona and her friends! 📚
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